Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Sequences, series, Zeno's Paradox and Donald Duck

This week I am a little behind with my journaling. We had exam last week and this week we switched gears to discuss sequences and series. We started by stating that a sequence is a list of objects. It can be thought as the image of a map from natual numbers to a set S of objects. The set S can be made of numbers, characters, etc Some examples where discussed. Students figured out how to obtain the sequence from plugging in a general formula such as a(n)=1/n. We them moved to dicuss recurrence and did some examples with recurrent formulas and how to obtain the terms of the sequence using their previous values. Also obatined a general formular for the recurrence formulation examples. We then mentioned the famous Fibonacci sequence. Suddenly "Donald Duck in Mathmagic land" came to my mind and I juped to YouTotbe to search for an extract of the movie. I tried to look for the part where Donald plays with Fibonnacci numbers, but we ended up watching the part about the Pythagorians and how their mathematics "gave the basis of the music of today" Before moving to series, I stressed that we already discussed geometric series when we discussed mathematical induction. Anothe fun video came to my mind..the one from Ted Ed and the Zeno's Paradox This was provocative...Is the toatal time that Zeno takes to get to the tree finite or infinite? I asked: "Who thinks is infinite?" Just a few hands raised. They were amzazed...They made my day with their smiles when they saw that this was an example of a infinite series which reculting sum is a finite number (in this case, exactly 1.)

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